Tuesday 28 December 2010

3. What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

After lots of research and enquiries I have narrowed it down to these two institutions. I feel that Bauer Media would be good as it publishes "Kerrang!", "Empire", "Mojo" and "Q" therefore it has a reputation for supporting music magazines, one of them target an audience of a similar age to mine. Also all those magazines are targeted towards men so mine would be different as it targets both genders.

The problem with choosing Bauer media though is that it already has 4 popular music magazines so I would have a lot of competition. IPC media distributes "NME", "Uncut", "Guitar and Bass" which all target a lot older generation than mine. Therefore competition is much less, yet they still have the experience of very popular music magazines.

Therefore my media institution will be IPC Media.

2. How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups

This question seems some what hard for me as my magazine is all about unsigned artists therefore I cannot compare it with any famous artists. Therefore I am going to compare my unsigned artist, Tallis Morris to an example of a bunch of students as I created this magazine with their type in mind. My magazine is aimed for their age group, style and interests.

Excluding one women who is over the age of 24, looking at the rest they are all wearing very folk-styled clothes. If you compare their clothes with the artist I have chosen they are very similar. The urban kind of look really features in my images of Tallis, this compliments the browns in the clothes.
A group of students
Tallis Morris

If you look closely in both pictures of the student they all try something to make them look unique, e.g. glasses, hats, headscarves. This is a very important factor as every student wants to stand out from the rest and look unique. This is what I have been trying to create in my magazine by using quirky, rugged surroundings, and unusual props like the rug, chair and laptop. The main aim for me was to make my magazine stand out from the rest, to catch the eye or people my age so I really had to do a lot of research in order to pull this off. 

1. In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products

Front cover
As my target audience is 16-24 I have used a young women who is in this age range for my main feature.
As she is the main feature of the magazine I have her on the front cover, in the middle of the page, and layered above everything else. Like Kerrang I have used an almost in your face image in colour. I have edited it using photoshop to make it very dramatic.
Again like Kerrang, I have used the wripped effect to give it a bit of a daring effect.
Like any other magazine I have included a line at the bottom of the page which almost gives the front cover a border. This line shows all the artists at the bottom of the page to look as if the the magazine is jam packed full of features.
I have used a common technique of adding a circle of information which looks like a stamp. It looks almost as if it was the last feature to be put in the magazine. I have used very common house colours of red, black and white, but have also added parts of grey.

Contents page
My contents page is quite organised but also messy at the same time. The text is in colums to make it easy to read, and colour coordinated to make it easy to understand. Like every other contents page I have seen the majority of it is pictures, although it is the page that needs to hold the most information.
I have used large, different coloured numbers in order to stand out and make it easy to interpretate where each feature is.
I have included an editors post just like kerrang so that the audience can feel as though they personally know who this person is. It makes the magazine almost 'homely' and recognisable if the same person is editing it every time and having their own view on this months magazine.
I have very clear captions on each photo used on the contents page like all other music magazines so that it is clear to the audience about what each picture tells you.
I have kept with the house colours, and also style of font throughout.

Double page spread
          For my double page spread I haven't kept it very traditional in that it isn't really a picture, then an article but they are both merged into one. I have used just one, main image and then layered the text on top. The difference between my double page spread and main stream ones is that my article is very long compared to most.
It is very rare to do a question and answer interview, and it has been mentioned that NME have done this before. Personally I find it easier to read question and answer rather than a big long paragraph of text and I personally think that the majority of people aged 16-24 would. I have used a common technique that is taking pictures of the artist in a photoshoot rather than live images. I have done this to represent real intensity of the article. I would like people to feel as if they know her personally and not just someone who sings.


Title page

Contents page
Double page spread

Your Response

I used a website called Survey Monkey which is a way of creating a questionnaire to evaluate my magazine. I have used this as a way of hearing how to improve my magazine to suit their needs. I have sent this by facebook or email to people in my target audience age group.


Thursday 9 December 2010

Latest contents page

I have made minor changes to my contents page. I have changed the editors picture as the previous one was too dark and hard to see.
I have changed the colour of the 'cover' stamp as the blue wasn't one of my house colours.
I have also added more features onto my contents information.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Latest Doube Page Spread

All I have done is change the colour of the text so that it is more noticeable.

Latest Front Cover

I have changed the whole RHS of my front cover by using different images and making them into free posters.
I have also changed the logo for the magazine so that it's larger and more recognisable, it stands out from the rest.
I have re-positioned the 'tallis morris' text so that it is away from the logo more.
I have also moved the free e.p so that I could use more room for the free posters.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Second Draft of double page spread

I have improved my double page spread by compacting the writing to size 8, and using a bigger image that takes up a lot of the page. I think the only problem with this is that it is not like any other music magazine's double page spread. This is a bit daring because the audience might not like change. But then again it might be a good idea as it is original therefore readers would remember it as being unique and that's what I want my magazine to portray.

Second Draft of Contents page

I have improved my contents page so that it has more ordered colours. I produced my contents page before my title page with no real idea on house colours. Therefore I have now changed my contents page to co-inside with my colours of title page.

Second Draft of Title page

My aim for this front cover is for the first thing you see when you look at this front cover is her face. I personally think that this works well. I like the way she overlaps over the grey strip as it makes it look 3D. By using a different image you can also see her name more clearly which makes it easier for the audience to see.